news / March 10, 2016


Guest blog by Manuel Moreno, Creative Communications and Events Manager, Digital Europe

Having been in Brussels already for a while automatically means getting used to long speeches with usually dense content to digest when attending conferences.

I recently attended the panel “Digital Communications: Social Media, Digital Marketing, Content Strategy and Developing Media” as part of the event“#DigitalDestination: Creating Value and Improving Lives” organised by Llywodraeth Cymru | Welsh Government at the Residence Palace. While listening to the interesting presentations, an inspiring statement that I had heard from one of the Twitter creators came to my mind saying: “If you can’t summarise your intervention in a tweet, you did it wrong”. It might be because one of the most important facts when making presentations is being concrete and getting your message across.

As a #SocialMedia consumer, I’m totally aware about the multitasking dimension and multiplatform usage of the new technology devices. But as John Jollife, from Adobe, was saying on his presentation today, people get easily distracted and I personally feel the same when trying to pay attention to too many things when attending events. 

With this purpose, I propose to sum up speakers’ interventions in a post always using the hashtag #Allin1Tweewhich will be published once the event / conference / workshop has taken place. I’m sure it will be fun, do you want to join?

David Ringrose, Acting Director, DG CONNECT, European Commission:“#SocialMedia shouldn’t be considered a luxury but an obligation in the #DigitalAge” @ringrda @DSMeu

Angela Jones, Academic Director, Condé Nast College of Fashion and Design:“#Digital natives, knowing how to connect w/ Digital Leaders, are becoming one of the most important part of the company” @condenast

John Jollife, Senior Manager European Government Affairs, Adobe: “We need to create amazing content & adapt it to all audiences to reach them equally well”@jolliffej

Iestyn Davies, CEO, Colleges Wales: “#Digital as the driver for economic growth. Digital barriers are #skills barriers” @iestyntdavies @ColegauCymru

Adam Williams, Lecturer/Consultant, University of the South Wales “How do we engage? Using the right content, in right channel, with the right voice”@UniSouthWales

Robert Madelin, Senior Advisor for Innovation to Commissioner Juncker
Connectivity – how fast is fast enough?”
“The new digital era needs everybody’s talents – let’s leave no-one behind”
ideas for us all to reflect on.

Keep in touch with Manuel on @_manuelmoreno

The challenge is set – “I will see you all in the next #Allin1Tweet post!”

Manuel Moreno

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